Efecto de los juegos reducidos y el entrenamiento de fuerza con sobrecarga excéntrica en jugadoras de fútbol sub 23

Publicación: Tesis


  • Fabio Nevado Garrosa

  • Director Juan del Campo Vecino y Coodirector Carlos Balsalobre Fernández


Background: The study of the physical demands in soccer has been extensively analyzed over the last decades. Nowadays, several variables can be analyzed thanks to the rise of sports technologies, some of them unexplored in the past due to the lack of equipment to measure them such as accelerations and accelerations during matches and competition. For that reason, the analysis of accelerations and decelerations during training and competition is getting more attention recently, as well as the way to improve player’s performance on such actions.

Purpose: To analyze the effects of two training modalities on the acceleration-deceleration profile in 24 female soccer players from the Spanish National 2nd Division.

Methods: Players were divided into three groups: a control group (CG), an eccentric overload group (EOG) and a small-sided games group (SSG). Several analytic tests, as well as GPS data during training and the first half of an official match were measured before and after a 6-week training intervention.

Results: The main findings of this study highlights the greater capacity of the small-sided games to improve acceleration capabilities more often in small spaces, as well as to mantain performance over time, both during training and competition (ES = -0.67; -2.16); however it don’t seem useful to create adaptations in the deceleration capabilities (ES= -0.19; 0.19).

Strength training using eccentric overload machines seems to be a better method to improve both acceleration and deceleration intensities during maximal and médium accelerations and decelerations (ES= 0.89; 1.29).

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